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sarah agnew A5fzEdQGpSI unsplash
I’ve run Advancetrack for almost 20 years, and this is the most exciting (and busy) time we’ve experienced. But such...
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Commonwealth games 2022
As a Midlander, and a keen sportsman (in my youth…actually into my 40’s), attending the Commonwealth Games was a no-brainer....
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GettyImages 1412211994
As an avid football fan and, when I was younger, a very keen footballer, it’s appropriate to comment on the...
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henry be DpI  wydgJM unsplash
Our first face-to-face Xerocon in several years was fun and joyous, but the tone – while optimistic – was serious....
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scott webb yekGLpc3vro unsplash
This is the first in a series of FAQ-style blogs. We will ask the questions that are often put to...
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AdvanceTrack Conference 2022 82 scaled
Is your accounting practice doing ‘too well’? It might sound nonsensical, but it’s something to consider. In truth what we...
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linkedin sales solutions 46bom4lObsA unsplash
You may have heard of the term ‘KYC’, which means ‘know your client’. But what about ‘KYP’? And how does...
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marvin meyer SYTO3xs06fU unsplash 1
There’s fascinating reading on AccountingWeb – it’s released new research into the most commonly-used tech platforms by UK accountants (and,...
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Supporting Howard & Co Accountants LLP - by supporting their client The close relationship between us and our practice clients...
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